Bamboo Living

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Announcing the Crowdfunding Campaign for RIZOME

Our sister company RIZOME is leading a new bamboo movement! RIZOME is on the path to make engineered bamboo lumber the go-to construction material around the globe.

RIZOME is currently planting thousands of acres of bamboo in one of the largest carbon sequestration projects on the planet. This monumental effort will make history for climate change, and they need your help to make it happen!

You can view the crowdfunding campaign here!

RIZOME’s mission is to sequester 10 gigatons of CO2 by 2050 by making bamboo engineered lumber a major climate-positive global construction material. Your investment will support planting more than 10 million clumps by 2025 and building more than 1,000 sustainable processing facilities by 2050, all while making a great return.

Crowdfunding Details: For the next 30-60 days we’ll be offering an opportunity for non-accredited investors to participate in this journey together. More than $500,000 of the $1.07m round has already been committed even before the round opens, so it is on track to become one of the fastest funded projects in crowdfunding history! The minimum investment is only $100, and this will be the last opportunity for individual investors with under $250k to invest. 

There is also an early bird bonus with a preferred valuation to reward early investors.

Use of Funds: The additional $1.07m will support manufacturing expansion in SE Asia and set the company up for a major institutional funding round mid-2021. Our factory expansion will put the company in a strong positive cash flow position which gives us much better leverage for ongoing funding. The Regulation CF limit was recently raised from $1m to $5m, so we may also choose to keep the round open for an additional 30-60 days. 

Please consider investing if you want to:

  • Support global solutions to climate change

  • Create sustainable bamboo economies in marginalized regions

  • Restore ecosystems through native bamboo reforestation

  • Support indigenous land agency

  • Lower the carbon footprint of new buildings

For each investment we’re also donating bamboo plants to our indigenous partners, and each $1,000 offsets your carbon footprint for a year!

The round will be open this week, so follow this link to invest or learn more!

Feel free to reach out to with any questions.

Have a beautiful start to the new year,

The RIZOME team